Latest fromEnvironmental Risk Management Authority

Fears about new beetles
The planned release of vast numbers of imported dung beetles could spread nasty gut diseases, Auckland's top public health doctor has warned.

Father refuses to accept Thai experts' findings
Sarah Carter's father refuses to accept Thai authorities' belief that her death was not linked to an insect control chemical.

Hotel insecticide used in NZ
An insecticide implicated in a Kiwi tourist's death could be harming NZ workers, the Green Party claims.

Pay the price for pearly whites
Buyer beware: That's the expert advice for beachgoers wanting a quick fix to brighten their pearly whites for summer.

Let's roll... dung beetle to combat global warming
Up to 11 species of beetle may be introduced to NZ.

Mutant cows die in GM trial
Genetically modified cows were born with ovaries that grew so large they caused ruptures and killed the animals.

Human genes to be injected into goats, cows, and sheep
Scientists have been given permission to put human genes into goats, sheep and cows for the next 20 years.