Fitness trainer Melissa Lattari shares the solution to this dilemma with six key tips to stay fit while going on holiday. And they’re so easy, you can easily squeeze them into your jam-packed holiday agenda.
In the short TikTok video, the Miami Beach-based fitness trainer and influencer admits she gained more than 6kg on her last trip, mainly because she was not in a good state of mind to take care of her body.
After her holiday, she created a game plan to take care of herself and avoid repeating the same mistakes. With this in mind, she curated six essential steps to maintain a healthy lifestyle while away.
Latteri starts with a reminder: “Just because you’re on vacation doesn’t mean you need to become a vegetable.”
Walking is one of the easiest ways to stay active. A recent study from the University of Sydney shows that even modest increases in physical activity can significantly benefit your health.
Matthew Ahmadi, an epidemiologist at the university, shared with National Geographic that every step can make a difference, “The 10,000 mark is a great target to hit, but even if you aren’t able to hit that, still doing any amount of activity to increase your daily steps can go a long way to improving your health and lowering your risk of disease.”
Explore your destination on foot - visit museums, parks or simply stroll through the city. If you’re staying in a large hotel or resort, choose stairs over lifts, park further from entrances and walk to nearby shops.
You don't have to finish 10,000 to reap the benefits of walking. Photo / 123rf
Maintain balance
A healthy lifestyle should always include finding ways to satisfy your needs in areas that aren’t solely work-related, such as hobbies, health, family and friends.
The best way to get to know the foreign city or country you’re in is through their food, and it would be a shame to visit a country without tasting their cuisine.
Lattari tells her viewers to not be ashamed of “treating yourself to your favourite foods”. This is no time to deny yourself simple pleasures.
The key is to do it in moderation. Avoid eating quickly or eating everything at the buffet in one sitting.
You can do so by going for a more balanced meal. For example, treat yourself to a steak, and pair it with vegetables and healthy sides. You can also create your own mix of healthy daily snacks by preparing fruits, veges and nuts.
More importantly, experts suggest savouring good food in a leisurely manner. Take time to taste the flavours of your dish and engage in conversation.
Find the balance in treating yourself and eating healthy. Photo / 123rf
Stay hydrated
Lattari shares, “I usually aim for 2.5 litres a day, and that’s just to keep my energy levels high and feel healthy.”
While a holiday might be a free pass to indulge in alcoholic drinks or flavoured beverages, drinking enough water supports a balanced diet and helps with digestion.
Experts suggest drinking almost 2 litres per day, which is roughly eight glasses of water. When travelling to a hotter country or during the summer, it’s recommended to increase water intake to keep you hydrated and reduce risks of heat stroke.
Find the time to drink eight glasses of water a day Photo / 123rf
Don’t skip a 10-minute workout
Establishing your workout routine can take years, but a shift in mindset can also break your momentum. It might not affect you drastically, but if your hotel or Airbnb already has a gym or roof deck, you can easily squeeze in a quick 10-minute workout before heading out to explore.
Lattari, who created the SweatnGlow app, says she often packs her resistance bands and aims to complete a daily, 10-minute workout.
You don’t have to stick to your usual routine at the gym while on vacation. Fitness trainers suggest that even the simple act of walking on the treadmill or in-room yoga stretches can help.
Holidays can also be an avenue to discover new fitness routines. Try swimming laps at the hotel pool or join the cruise Zumba classes.
And don't forget to relax. Photo / 123rf
Take your supplements
“I always bring my supplements to support a healthy gut and prevent inflammation,” says Lattari.
Taking supplements is particularly useful when you’re on holiday as this is when most of us indulge more, or don’t quite reach our ‘five a day’ in favour of new menus offering all sorts of new - potentially unhealthier - dishes and of course, desserts.
Only take the supplements that will support your deficiencies and solve health problems. Photo / 123rf
Lastly, Lattari urges her viewers to relax. After all, it is a holiday.
“Take your time to unwind — meditate or do a yoga class with a friend,” she recommends.
Tell yourself to not overthink things and enjoy quality time with friends, family, or even by yourself. Allow yourself to enjoy the break and recharge from daily stresses.