Who are we? What better time to ask ourselves such deep and meaningful questions than over a cold one at the beach. What defines us as New Zealanders, what defines us as a nation?
So here's how we're going to do it. Take one of those trendy corporate branding sessions, where companies work out their values and visions. Then transport it from the boardroom to the beach, replace the catered savouries with chargrilled sausages, and bring in a few friends and family to help out.
After all, one thing we learned about ourselves in last week's Herald on Sunday-Nielsen survey is that we'd far rather celebrate summer with friends over a barbie or a pot-luck dinner than in some swanky waterfront restaurant. Yes, yes - we paid good money for that startling insight ...
But this newspaper's research this summer delves somewhat deeper into the national psyche to help us discover who we are, what we stand for, and where we draw our lines in the sand. In our Kiwiana Defined series, beginning this week, the Key Research and Nielsen polling companies probe 4000 New Zealanders on what it means to be a Kiwi, and what they believe.
Should we sell off part-shares in the power companies and Air New Zealand? Do we believe in gay marriage? Euthanasia? How many immigrants do we want, and what sorts of skillsets should they bring?