Text DAVID to 3333. Any joke which has gone on way too long ought to just keep going and going; please, New Zealand, put your texts together, and vote weird, wooden, useless, hapless, political bimbo David Seymour as the winner of the 2018 season of Dancing with the Stars.
Last night's semifinal saw the creature from the Act lagoon not even bother to dance. He stood like one of those old-timey deep-sea divers rooted to the spot in great big heavy boots. It took an age for him to lift a leg; it took an epoch for him to lift the other leg.
A thousand years passed by the time both feet re-established contact with terra firma and as far as the judges were concerned it was a waste of a great deal of time.

They went to war on Seymour. They came out with guns of scorn, and fired at will. You can understand their fury. For nine solid weeks, they've been reduced to the status of three lame ducks. It hasn't mattered what they've said about Seymour. Their low scores haven't made a lick of difference. It must be galling for these three expert dancers to be so roundly humiliated by someone who research shows is not just the worst dancer in the history of this world but in all other galaxies far, far away.