Alas poor Rog. We knew him as well as we were ever going to know him - nice guy, beautiful voice, kept falling over - and it was no great surprise that he got the boot from Dancing with the Stars last night. We'd had enough. We threw him to the lions. The lions tore him to shreds.
One by one, Judge Julz, Judge Rachel and Judge Camilla voted against Rog after the public vote had consigned him to the dreaded dance-off. He went up against Jess. He was never going to beat Jess. He looked a mess next to Jess. It was easy for the judges to assess. Jess had more; Rog had less. Rog was no, no, no; Jess was yes, yes, yes.
But he'd had a good run, and he'd been a good sport. He performed throughout the series with wit, charm, and impish delight. Plus he had a thing about the studio floor. His feet loved it but so did his hands and his knees. He fell over and dragged his partner down with him a few weeks ago, and last night he fell over again.

The first time, he tripped over his own feet, and went sprawling. Last night, he leaned forward, like a man peering over on the edge of a cliff. He leaned too far. He fell into the abyss. Darkness swallowed him. It happened so slowly; he was like a cake that someone left out in the rain, toppling from its stand, all that sweet icing flowing down ...