There are 89 new cases of coronavirus in New Zealand - the most recorded in a single day so far, Director-General of Health Ashley Bloomfield says.
One in three Kiwis have put a teddy in their window, while one in five say they're on a bear hunt while getting some fresh air, new research shows.
Opinion Compare quizzed New Zealanders on their thoughts on the Covid-19 crisis just before lockdown last Thursday, with the recent results released today.
A week into level 4 living, 16 per cent of those surveyed said they felt extremely worried about their personal finances during the pandemic.
While 50 per cent of those surveyed believe they will catch coronavirus, concerns around the lockdown period have dropped, CEO of Opinion Compare Gavin Male said.
"When you look at these results and how the New Zealand population is treating and coping with the pandemic compared to what we're witnessing globally, you get a real sense of pride in this country.
"To coin a well-known Kiwi phrase, it very much seems that the nation thinks - She'll be right!"
The number of participants concerned about running out of food, being unable to pay the bills, working from home and missing out on social gatherings have all dropped from the past week.
Twenty-seven per cent of those surveyed remain concerned they will not be able to pay their mortgage, rent or bills.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's handling of the Covid-19 crisis was applauded by participants, Male said.
"In March, on scale of 1-7, where 1 is poor and 7 is excellent, 48 per cent of the New Zealand population rated her handling as excellent. Overnight, this increased to 69 per cent."
More than half of those surveyed agreed with Ardern's decision to close supermarkets on Good Friday but for them to open their doors on Easter Sunday, with 68 per cent agreeing with the decision.
Before the lockdown, Opinion Compare quizzed Kiwis on their planned activities for isolation before checking in a week later.
Most got stuck into the cleaning or a spot of gardening, with 70 per cent of participants tidying up their home and 61 per cent catching some sun as they gardened.
Male said that while Covid-19 will continue to impact the lives of New Zealanders, the research showed most were coping and sticking to their rules and plans for lockdown.
And curtain twitches have taken note of the police website to dob in lock down rule flouters, with 86 per cent of participants aware of the website and 66 per cent saying they would use it to report someone.