by Gavin Bishop (Picture Puffin, $40)
Wow! A book for the ages — literally. Aotearoa's social history is charted here from Kupe through settlement, wars, social upheaval, Kate Sheppard, Edmund Hillary and Lorde. With neat sketches looking at the food we ate, the way we dressed, what we fought over and what we've become, this fantastic study of NZ society has a talking point on every page. There's a place for this on every bookshelf. The coolest kids' book I've seen all year. WA

by Maria Gill and Marco Ivanic (Scholastic NZ, $28)
Feelings about colonial explorers ebb and flow like the tides that carried the (now considered) racist old coots. While Captain James Cook stands supreme as the Westerner whose deeds carried greatest impact on our shores and culture, this lively and neatly illustrated book might sway you to Abel Tasman's side. He got to New Zealand in 1642 — more than 85 years before Cook was even born — and yet the poor unfortunate had to settle with his name on the shorter of our two highest mountains. In history lessons, the Englishman was "Captain" Cook, while Tasman was a "Dutch navigator". In these pages, Tasman and his crew get to shine. WA
by Peter Millett and Scott Tulloch (David Bateman, $20)
Ho ho ho! It's that time of year again — when Kiwi kids' book publishers cull forests to bring us tractor-driving Santas and pavlova-munching fairy-tale figures who cheer for the All Blacks. Into this, er, scrum comes Classic Rhymes for Kiwi Kids, a tome re-imagining the Mother Goose nursery rhymes with just enough twist to be slightly genius. The illustrations are a tad on the hasty side, but some of the wordplay is slick and local-as, bro. "Baa baa halfback, have you any ball? Yes sir, yes sir, it's in the maul." The rhymes are dedicated to the memory of Fred Dagg. I reckon he'd approve. WA