Inside Risland Albany - sans decks, axed from the first design. Photo / CMP
Inside Risland Albany - sans decks, axed from the first design. Photo / CMP
One of Auckland's largest new apartment buildings has been finished five months early, earning the main constructor contractor a "significant" financial bonus from Chinese developers.
Andrew Moore, commercial manager of the Victoria Park-headquartered CMP Construction, said that contractor had completed the $110 million 134-unit three-tower 12-level Risland Albany nearly halfa year ahead of the original schedule.
"We negotiated a significant early-completion bonus clause which incentivised an early completion," Moore said on Friday. How much he could not disclose.
Practical completion of the building with two basement levels was achieved on June 30 when it wasn't due till November 30, Moore said.
"Planning, planning, planning" - Andrew Moore of CMP. Photo / Jason Oxenham