Latest fromFisher Funds

Fisher Funds: Diamonds lose their sparkle
One of the great marketing campaigns may not be enough to save diamonds' appeal.

Fisher Funds: Sleep can be a nightmare
Mattress manoeuvres reveal the business struggles behind a simple household necessity.

Fisher Funds: How to make the best decisions
Taking the emotion out leads to better decision-making.

Fisher Funds: Parents teach life skills, not schools
Schools should not be charged with teaching children "how to behave in public".

Fisher Funds: The mum and dad bank
Many millennials think their parents are 'stingy' when it comes to the inheritance.

Fisher Funds: Suckers for electric cars
Vacuum cleaner company takes on electric car juggernauts.

Fisher Funds: Our world really is getting better
Short-term thinking masks the true story of human progress.

Fisher Funds: When risk is worth it
The potential payoff - or downside - is crucial when deciding whether to take a risk.

Fisher Funds: Preparing for an 'Irma' to hit NZ
Devastating hurricanes in the US are a wake-up call for Kiwis to get insurance sorted.

Fisher Funds: Americans struggle to own homes
Housing as an investment puts US home ownership in hands of financiers.

Fisher Funds: New life on Mars
Company with reputation for extreme secrecy wants 70,000 new people.

Fisher Funds: Don't let political apathy rule
We may not be vitally interested in politics but the results are important.

Fisher Funds: "New petrol" may cause bull market
Lithium batteries needed to fuel electric vehicle revolution.

Fisher Funds: Moral core secret of success
Bruce McLaren and Warren Buffett documentaries reveal key qualities for success.

Fisher Funds: How to avoid ruining your life
Students who have chosen the wrong career path have a way to avoid lifelong regret.

Fisher Funds: New way of looking at retirement
Saving strategy challenges conventional planning - "pay yourself first".

Fisher Funds: Hotels hitting back at Airbnb
Customers benefit as hotels combat threat by innovating themselves.

Fisher Funds: 41 billion reasons to celebrate
KiwiSaver has accustomed many New Zealanders to long-term savings they can't access.

Fisher Funds: Less work can produce more value
Both sides of the "work harder" and "work smarter" debate have valid points.

Fisher Funds: Spectacularly good or spectacularly bad
Hedge funds can grow lots of cash - or can seriously trim your assets.

Fisher Funds: Broken promises can break a business
The need for speed can create unrealistic expectations - and company failures.