It doesn't matter what you start the kids with, it could be as small as a cherry tomato in a pot on the verandah through to them making a scarecrow for their veggie patch or giving them their own plot to play with. They key is to encourage and share the experience with them. As a child I was the perennial pest to my Nana, she encouraged me to join her in the garden. She must have had the patience of a saint. We would pick flowers, vegetables and sneak out to the berry patch and gorge ourselves on fresh raspberries and then sit on the lawn making daisy chains.
10 top tips for kids.
1 Berry patch: Kids love strawberries and they are very easy to grow. Choose a position in full sun, and plant into strawberry potting mix, you can even plant the berries straight into the bag, keep moist and watch the crop appear, then disappear into the mouths of the little ones.
2 Pot project: Ask the kids to decorate a pot and choose a plant of their choice they want to grow. The butterfly bush is a neat one to try, it shows the life cycle of the butterfly from the caterpillars eating the leaves through its cocoon stage then hatching.
3 Pumpkins: A fun project, pumpkins can be trained along a fence or allowed to ramble over an empty area, as the pumpkins start to form carve a name or picture on the skin. Hold a family competition for the biggest, smallest, ugliest or funniest looking pumpkins.