Latest fromLiberia
Back to school - where dozens died of Ebola
The government has promised to disinfect it. But parents are wary as their children are sent back to school in what was recently an Ebola isolation centre.
What comes after Ebola?
Schools are reopening, but in three Ebola-ravaged African countries, children have had their innocence stolen by a virus.
Liberian capital's dire new Ebola toll
Some 67,000 people could be dead from Ebola by December in just one city in Liberia, according to a new analysis of the rate at which the disease is spreading.
Ebola victims beg at packed clinic gates
Like every other volunteer who serves with Medecins Sans Frontieres, Stefan Liljegren joined to help the sick and destitute.
Baby isolated in Australia over Ebola fears
A one-year-old who'd recently returned to Victoria from West Africa was isolated after showing symptoms similar to those of Ebola.
The most terrifying thing about Ebola
What makes the Ebola virus so terrifying is not its kill rate or its exponential growth. It's the fact that it threatens humanity by preying on humanity.
Escaped Ebola patient terrorises market
Disturbing video footage shows an Ebola victim who'd escaped from hospital walking through a Monrovia market, sending hundreds fleeing in fear.
Ebola fight a 'war', says UN
The UN's new leader on Ebola says the fight against the epidemic is a "war" which could take another six months.
Ebola serum 'reverses' disease
An experimental serum treatment on two US missionaries has raised hopes of an effective treatment for the disease after doctors reported a "miraculous" improvement in the health of one of those who contracted the disease.
Ebola: One flight away
In an era when the next pandemic can seem just a pathogen away, Ebola still retains a grisly fascination.
No screening for ebola in NZ
Health officials will not start screening for deadly ebola infection among passengers arriving in NZ, despite the seriousness of the outbreak of the disease in West Africa.
Kiwi hero an eyewitness to terror
The Kiwi who witnessed the Charlottesville attack has seen terror first-hand before.
Costamare gets 32pc yield on ships like Rena, documents show
Costamare told investors it purchased secondhand container ships, including the Rena, at a good time and is making a yield of 32 per cent on them.