Nicholas Pittwood, 17, is Inglewood High School's 2024 Dux.
Nicholas Pittwood, 17, is Inglewood High School's 2024 Dux.
Inglewood High School senior prizegiving was held on Friday, November 1.
The school’s dux for 2024 is Nicholas Pittwood, 17. He said hearing his name being called was “surreal”.
“It was one of those moments when you find yourself constantly needing to pinch yourself to double, even triple-check that what is happening is real. The feelings and emotions that I had that night being awarded dux, is undoubtedly a moment that I will never forget.”
He said earning dux became his goal this year.
“I just planned to cruise through the year. However, after a month or two I realised that cruising through school wasn’t my style, and I needed a change. I had a mind-opening moment where I thought ‘Why not go for the big one? Why not go for dux?”
He said changing your mindset to be positive is rewarding.
" I made the goal to put 101% into everything I do. If I shoot for the moon the worst thing that could happen is that I land in the stars. This mindset carried me through one of the most rewarding journeys I’ve ever had in my 17 years of life."
Next year he is studying first-year health science at the University of Otago in Dunedin.
" It will be a competitive and challenging year but I have faith that the goals and habits I’ve made this year will set me up for success."
Inglewood High School 2024 proxime accessit Erini Fruean, 18.
Proxime accessit Erini Fruean, 18, plans to go further afield with her studies, with plans to study political science and leadership or film and media studies in America.
“Both majors are vastly different but represent very important parts of me, I am still deciding. I have applied to six schools including two Ivy Leagues so I am excited to see what happens in the next few months with acceptances. I also plan to complete an 18-month mission for my church sharing God’s love and gospel with others.”
She said she’s proud to have earned proxime accessit.
“I have felt overwhelming support from my family and teachers and friends this year with all my goals and just seeing that I can accomplish academically as well as in various other areas was just the greatest feeling.”
Inglewood High School Board of Trustees Prize for Dux: Nicholas Pittwood, Proxime Accessit: Erini Fruean, Merit award for exceptional academic achievement in year 13: Ruby Pittwood, Daniel Mace, Sarah Chambers, Ruby Gillanders, Thomas McKerchar and Alison Greenfield, Okeroa Shield - best whānau in all aspects of school activity: Kikorangi Whānau (Grace Stachurski), Fonseka Cup - performing arts whānau: Mā Whānau (Nicholas Pittwood), Outstanding contribution to the life of the school awards: Erini Fruean and Hayden Marshall, Alethea George Trophy - Board of Trustees student representative: Ruby Pittwood, Waitara Pharmacy Cup and the AICA Award - excellence in senior chemistry: Nicholas Pittwood, Rene Duncan - senior biology cup: Nicholas Pittwood, Professor David Gauld Fellowship - mathematics: Alison Greenfield, Russell Moir Memorial Prize - Year 13 science and mathematics: Alison Greenfield, Higgs Cup - senior physics: Alison Greenfield, Tracey Schreiber Memorial Prize - music: Alison Greenfield, Arts and Humanities prize: Erini Fruean, Dudley Burrows Prize - senior history: Erini Fruean, Franklyn Cup - senior public speaking: Erini Fruean, Dr Marie Fonseka Health Science Award: Ruby Pittwood, Professor David Gauld Fellowship - statistics: Sarah Chambers, LA Alexander Trust Prize - senior agriculture and horticultural science: Sarah Chambers, Burgess Cup - excellence in physical education: Nicholas Pittwood, Nikorima Pirikahu Trophy - Māori student showing most leadership potential: Erini Fruean, Simon Raine Award - senior photography: Riley Dravitzki, Carina George Award - senior art: Charlote Wood, Rusty Groove Award - senior musicianship: Jamie Wills, New Zealand Chefs Association Trophy - excellence in Year 13 food technology: Montrel Mills, Janko Computers Award- top Year 13 digital technology: Kyle Lalas, Te Āwhinatia Terrill Cup: Conner Cowling, Ashworth Cup - best sportsman: Jamie Wills, Jocelyn Barriball Cup - best sportswoman: Milly Marshall-Kirkwood, Caldwell Cup - best all round woman year 12: Milly Marshall-Kirkwood, Corlett Cup - best all round man year 12: Martin Small, The Library Prize: Martin Small, Rene Duncan - Year 12 Biotechnology Cup: Martin Small, Lex Butler Memorial Cup - Year 12 science: Martin Small, Trudy Boisen - Year 12 geography Trophy: Matthew Tee, Tim Chadwick Memorial Trophy - excellence year 12 art: Lucy Baikie, Inglewood Horticulture Society Prize: Emilia Young, Gateway student of the year: Hunter Awahou, Ann Marshall Memorial Cup - year 12 hospitality and food technology: Ash Potter, Campbell Cup - excellence year 12 graphics: Hunter Benseman, Johnson Trophy for craftsmanship: Lucas Tudor, Ensor Trophy - most improved year 12 digital technology: Blake White, Music Leadership Cup: Blake White, King Cup - best musical performance: Kyle Andrews, Zane Te Wiremu Jarvis Vocal Award: Destin Gallichan-Pearce, Paul Adams Composition Award: Kieran O’Mara, Sorensen Cup - industry and perseverance in Year 11: Ella Jane-Kyle.
University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow entrance scholarship: Hayden Marshall, University of Otago Priscilla Sandys Wunsch Trust Scholarship: Hayden Marshall and Nicholas Pittwood, University of Otago Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship: Alison Greenfield and Nicholas Pittwood, Te Paewai o te Rangi: University of Waikato Scholarship for outstanding academic achievement: Ruby Pittwood.