It’s a big job, but together we can restore NZ’s environment.
“Toitū te marae a Tāne-Mahuta, Toitū te marae a Tangaroa, Toitū te tangata – If the land is well and the sea is well, the people will thrive.”
That is a mission statement for Te Mana o te Taiao, the Aotearoa New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy, and a call to arms – and spades and predator traps – for all five million Kiwis. You could say it’s made on behalf of the 68,000 remaining kiwi and all the other native wildlife and plants surviving on our islands.
Sadly, many are threatened with or at risk of extinction. For example, 90% of seabirds, 76% of freshwater fish, 84% of reptiles and almost half of our plant species are threatened.
That’s the bad news. Here’s the good: throughout Aotearoa, hundreds of thousands of businesses, community groups and individuals are giving their time and energy to protect our native species and restoring habitats – and there’s more progress than many might realise.
Those making the most extraordinary efforts are being recognised in the Genesis 2025 New Zealand Sustainability Leader of the Year Te Toa Taiao o te Tau, a leading category in the annual Kiwibank New Zealander of the Year Awards.
Genesis CE Malcolm Johns says sponsoring the award underscores the company’s dedication to supporting New Zealand to reach its target of net zero 2050. “We’re investing in renewable energy sources like wind and solar power, while seeking to protect and restore the environments in which we operate.”
Nominees must demonstrate tangible actions, with proven impact, towards goals focused on the environment, including climate change, air and water pollution, water scarcity, food insecurity, deforestation, rising sea levels, loss of species and habitat biodiversity, or loss of indigenous environmental knowledge and traditions.
They must show their actions have had a significant positive impact within the past year and must serve as role models to fellow New Zealanders (and beyond), inspiring a sustainable and thriving future for Aotearoa.
The independent judging panel have shortlisted 10 semi-finalists, three of whom are introduced in this first Sustainability Spotlight video.
- Hamiora Gibson, better known around the motu as ‘Sam The Trap Man’, has developed effective trapping systems that help protect native wildlife and restore ecosystems. By promoting community involvement and education, he has raised awareness about the importance of biodiversity and sustainability, making a significant impact on the country’s environmental efforts.
- Dan Henry’s predator-free initiatives focus on restoring biodiversity and engaging local communities in conservation efforts. Through innovative projects, he has effectively improved wildlife habitats and raised awareness about the importance of environmental stewardship.
- Adam Thompson is an advocate for environmental sustainability and community-driven initiatives. He is the founder of Restore Native, an organisation focused on restoring native habitats and promoting biodiversity in NZ through large-scale tree planting and environmental education programmes.
These three semi-finalists have taken their know-how into communities throughout the country and inspired hundreds of thousands of ordinary Kiwis to do their bit in helping native wildlife and plants, as close to home as their backyards.
It might be as simple as housing a humane predator trap by the back fence. But if you’d rather not trap rats or possums, there are plenty of other things you can do – like planting native trees and shrubs in your garden that provide food, shelter and nesting sites and materials for birds, bugs and lizards, for instance.
Encourage wētā, beetles and native bees by providing a place for them to hide during the day, keep your cat safe inside or on a ‘catio’, and keep your garden messy to attract insects, lizards and birds.
You can read and see more about the other semi-finalists in the coming weeks.
So where does an energy company come into this? Kate van Praagh is Genesis GM Sustainability with 20 years’ international experience managing sustainability strategies and executive-level governance.

She is focused on supporting Aotearoa’s transition to a low-carbon future, supporting a more equal society through energy wellbeing, and encouraging rangatahi for the future of work through STEM skills and pathways to employment.
“My role is really looking up and out at the macro-trends facing the world with regards to sustainability or ESG (environmental, social, governmental) issues and how that’s going to apply to Aotearoa New Zealand, and where Genesis can use our expertise, our scale and relationships to really make a positive difference.”
An example is the company’s 14-year partnership with the Department of Conservation in the Whio Forever programme to enhance the survival of Aotearoa’s native blue duck. Since the programme began in 2011, DoC has recorded a 90% increase in breeding pairs.
Van Praagh is passionate about sponsoring The Sustainability Leader of the Year Award to highlight the amazing work that’s going on across the motu, and to bring people along. “This is a collective challenge. There’s no one government body or organisation or person who can make the change that’s needed. We need everyone on board.”
“The award helps create that ripple effect of positive impact, inspiring others by celebrating those leading the way in sustainability. We can get overwhelmed by bad news, by feeling that not enough is happening quickly enough, so I think it’s important to show what’s going on, highlight the successes, inspire people to get involved and remind them that there’s plenty of people doing great things.”
The Genesis Sustainability Leader of the Year Te Toa Taiao o te Tau will be named at the gala dinner in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland in March 2025.
• Learn more about Genesis Sustainability Leader of the Year 2025 and the wider Kiwibank New Zealander of the Year Awards.