A small bay in Northland could be filled in to create a boat ramp to accommodate the number of boats launched off the beach over a few weeks in summer.
The proposed 2000 sq m reclamation at at Pataua North would offer an all-tide boat ramp, a parking area for vehicles and trailers, a grassed area and would shore-up the roots around large pohutukawa trees.
The plan is opposed by a number of locals who say a beach used by the public for swimming, shellfish gathering and other recreation should not be reclaimed just so boat users can get into the water more easily.
The proposal by Pataua Residents and Ratepayers Association and Whangarei District Council was debated by the applicants and other submitters at a resource consent hearing at Northland Regional Council yesterday. It is an amended version of a similar proposal put forward in 2007.
The hearing commissioner is former NRC chairman Mark Farnsworth, who has two weeks to make his recommendations to the NRC.