Auckland Zoo has welcomed its first kiwi chick of the season just as the zoo said goodbye to winter.
The spring chick arrived about noon yesterday and weighed 357 grams.
Auckland Zoo shared pictures of the cute kiwi on Facebook today.
Auckland Zoo has welcomed its first kiwi chick of the season just as the zoo said goodbye to winter.
The spring chick arrived about noon yesterday and weighed 357 grams.
Auckland Zoo shared pictures of the cute kiwi on Facebook today.
The kiwi chick was born as part of the BNZ Operation Nest Egg, an operation that collects kiwi eggs laid around the country and delivers them to incubation centres where they hatch and are reared.
The kiwis born in incubation centres are then taken to "kiwi creches" at reserves around the country until they are ready to be released back into the wild.
Operation Nest Egg birds have a 65 per cent chance of surviving to adulthood, while a wild-born chick has a 5 per cent chance.
The Human Rights Commission says it has received complaints about the event.