Unlike John Key, who so charmed his Aussie counterpart Malcolm Turnbull that the pair even indulged in pyjama diplomacy with the Kiwi Prime Minister having a sleepover with him in Sydney, Jacinda Ardern's shown she has the ability to get under the Ocker shocker's skin.
Ardern, who'd never met Turnbull until she got the nod for the top job, harped on so much about taking Manus Island refugees that he gave her a wide berth when he was able to in Vietnam last year. He was irritated and Ardern should be congratulated for causing his irritation because it gives her a better base than Key ever had to address an issue that we should all be very concerned about.
The deportation of criminals from Australia to New Zealand allows the Aussies to wipe their hands of undesirables, many of whom went off the rails over there and have had no association with this country virtually from birth. .
The Australian Government is no friend of New Zealand and has little regard for the damage it's doing to this country by offloading low lifes and endangering our society. Instead they should be facing up to their responsibilities by accepting many of the deportees have little or no association with this country and have learned all their criminality in theirs.