Stanford students in house colours from left: Madison Tito, 15, Sophie Ogle, 16, Charlotte Tippett, 16, Hayley Shanks, 16, and Zara Roberts, 16, at Taranaki Diocesan School for Girls' athletics day on Friday, February 16. Photo / Alyssa Smith
Taranaki Diocesan School for Girls’ students swapped their classrooms for an open field at the school’s annual athletics day.
Last week students dressed up in house colours, ready to try a range of sports along with some fun full-school activities. Sports captain Ava Taylor, 16, said the day was focused on getting everyone to have a go, regardless of skill level.
Image 1 of 15: Roberton house students wearing their house colours from left: Rebecca Riddle (13), Deanne Hullah (14), Sinead Johnson (12), Lily Malo (14), Poppy Darvill-Jackson (15) and Soraya Winera (13) at the Taranaki Diocesan School for Girls' athletics day on Friday, February 16. Photo / Alyssa Smith
“This year we tried a few different things to encourage student participation. Each athletic event had a give-it-a-go round and then a competitive round. It allows students to start at a non-competitive level and work their way up. The house captains and senior students supported and encouraged the younger students to try their best.”
Ava has been a part of the school’s sports council since Year 9 and says the athletics event is a great way for students to get involved and try out a range of sports.
“There was a lot of school spirit, it was just a nice day. The senior students did the activities first to show the junior pupils what to do.”
The day also featured a house chant competition and fun challenges.
“We had an over-under competition where the students were in a line and had to pass a ball over their heads then the next person had to put it under their legs until they got to the end of the line.”
Athletics Day sports co-ordinator Janine Wilton-Daley says the school is following Sport New Zealand’s fun-based philosophy.
“Sports New Zealand did a survey and there was an overwhelming reaction that kids just wanted to have fun with sports so that’s what we’re offering. Everyone was keen and willing to give things a go which is what we want for our students.”