I've heard so many people say this period of quarantine is such a fabulous opportunity to hit some healthy goals, get back to cooking from scratch and reawaken our appreciation for the small stuff - yet if your life is anything like mine, that's not what's happening out in the
Covid 19 coronavirus: From alcohol to catching some z's, here's how to bring balance to your life in isolation
It's what you might call the lockdown health maths challenge. And it's a particular challenge for those of us long-used to working from home, our routines thrown out of kilter by the rest of our housemates who are missing the camaraderie of office or school.
It's nice to have breakfast together, sure, but you want lunch, too? And who's making that?
Frankly, it seems most people are acting like hormone-crazy teenagers - swinging from highs to lows, manic periods of energy to aimless lethargy, hysterical laughter to tears. How on earth do we get a grip and make the sums balance?

The key thing to understand, says Nick Potter, osteopath and author of The Meaning of Pain, is that our bodies and minds are acting as though it's 4000 BC, not 2020AD.
"Humans are primed to respond to danger," says Potter. "Right now, it's like we are stuck on a plain, about to be attacked by wolves.
"Our brains know what to do: release adrenalin to set off a chain reaction inside the body, which will make us able to respond with either fight or flight. We start to hyperventilate, breathing from the top of the lungs and tensing our muscles for action."
The problem-solving, logical part of the brain is parked for now, to allow our instincts to take over. The problem, says Potter, is there are no wolves to deal with.
"Instead, this virus requires us to do the opposite of what we are programmed to do. We have to breathe deeply to keep calm and support our lung health, and we need to eat properly and rest, taking our time so we can make sensible, well-thought out decisions."
It's advice that chimes with all the different areas of our life, which currently may be in debit rather than credit. Here are some ways to redress the balance.
Many of us may be rediscovering exercise for the first time in years, as our one cast-iron excuse to get out of the house every day. Is it okay to just dive in and start running?
Absolutely, says celebrity personal trainer and health and wellness influencer Alice Liveing.

"Running should be a natural movement," she says. "Start slow, perhaps aiming to complete 1k or whatever feels a good distance for you, and then aim to build upon that each week."
She recommends the Couch to 5k app if you want extra motivation and advice. It is possible to over-exercise, however: "Going from doing nothing to something may mean that you'll likely experience muscle soreness after the first few workouts," she says.
Stress drinking is entirely natural, says Janey Lee Grace, who runs the The Sober Club community (thesoberclub.com) and Alcohol Free Life podcast.
"We have become so used to associating alcohol with celebrations and commiserations," she says, "but the reality is, we all need to be looking after our physical and emotional health."
Alcohol lowers immunity and it's a depressant, she points out, so while it may feel like a temporary relief it will ultimately only exacerbate anxiety and depression.
"Put some boundaries around it," she suggests, and start thinking of alternatives. "At the time you would usually open the bottle, go for a run, listen to a podcast or have a bath. Imagine if you could emerge from your 'isolation' happy and sober - and with improved immunity."
With a growing realisation that we can only shop for essentials, many of us are making meals from scratch again, with many cooks offering wonderful self-isolation recipes for free online (see Jack Monroe's daily #LockdownLarder at 5pm on Twitter @BootstrapCook).
So how come we're also snacking as though storing up fat for winter?
"We find it intolerable to live in fear and feeling out of control," explains Michelle Scott, psychotherapist at The Recovery Centre.
"It's quite natural that when we feel starved or deprived, then we binge eat or panic shop. We want to fill ourselves up."
More than that, food is a common way to feel comforted: "It takes us back to childhood. We know that treats and comforts will numb feelings."
So how can we get back in balance? "We need to talk to each other and explore our feelings rather than just eat them away," she suggests.
Or treat yourself like a child, and pack yourself a daily snack box.
It's all very well thinking that you can just grab a laptop and spend the day on the sofa, but that's asking for trouble. Peering forward at a screen can be particularly bad: "For every inch forward your chin protrudes," says Nick Potter, "your head weighs an extra 10 pounds."
Sitting or slumping at odd angles for long periods causes muscle imbalance and cartilage pressure that can cause headaches, dizziness and neck and lower-back problems.
The answer, says Potter, is not just in making sure you are sitting properly (upright position, top of the screen at eye level, feet flat on the floor) but also remembering to breathe.
"It's never been more important to breathe deeply," he says, as viruses and bacteria get trapped in the mucous lining of the deepest part of the lungs.
"When you exhale properly, those cells get stirred up and expelled. It's necessary for your immune system."
While shallow breathing leads to tension in the chest, neck and shoulder, breathing deeply can help our muscles to relax -possibly even our overactive minds, too.
• Covid19.govt.nz: The Government's official Covid-19 advisory website