Audience interaction, and lots of belly laughs, will keep youngsters entertained when Rollicking Entertainment brings The Messy Magic Adventure to Te Raukura ki Kāpiti this month. Photo / Alexander Hallag
Audience interaction, and lots of belly laughs, will keep youngsters entertained when Rollicking Entertainment brings The Messy Magic Adventure to Te Raukura ki Kāpiti this month. Photo / Alexander Hallag
Tamariki are in for some messy, magical fun these school holidays, when Rollicking Entertainment brings The Messy Magic Adventure to Te Raukura ki Kāpiti.
Rollicking Entertainment is a Kiwi theatre-making company founded by David Ladderman and Lizzie Tollemache.
The duo are actors, circus artists and variety entertainers who produce and tour original work from their home in Christchurch. Between them they have performed at over 50 festivals across 9 countries, and won numerous awards, including the Iron Chicken - the World Buskers Festival’s prestigious critics choice award.
While they have been touring shows for adults internationally for several years, they felt the need to do something for a different audience, said Tollemache.
“We could feel our inner 6-year-olds shouting at us to do something way more silly and joyful and messy.”
The result is The Messy Magic Adventure, a tale of two cleaners, she said.
“Spray and Wipe are very sensible cleaners who have been hired for their most exciting job ever - cleaning a magician’s house. But when they accidentally let the magic out of its box, everything is turned topsy-turvy.”
The show features some audience interaction, she said, along with plenty of mess.
“The audience must help Spray and Wipe get the magic back in the box before the magician comes home, as her house gets messier and messier.”
The magic youngsters will see is a secret, said Tollemache.
“It’s the good sort of magic, but I can’t spoil it before the show.”
Tollemache and Ladderman wrote the show together.
“We bounce ideas back and forward and if we crack each other up, it stays.”
Writing a show for children is different to creating content for adults, she said.
“Every show has its own unique triumphs and challenges. But people do underestimate children’s theatre at their peril - a kids audience is brutally honest. You have to genuinely engage them.”
Magic and some messy fun will be on show when Rollicking Entertainment brings The Messy Magic Adventure to Te Raukura ki Kāpiti this month. Photo / Alexander Hallag
The show was created for ages 3 to 8, but older children and adults enjoy it too, said Tollemache.
“They’ll find it entertaining if they enjoy seeing their kids light up and belly laugh. We also often get parents surprised and delighted by how much fun they have too, though.”
Creating theatre for younger audiences is something the duo are passionate about, said Tollemache.
“Children deserve quality arts experiences. Children need somewhere to dream and get excited and inspired and belly laugh and share stories that do not rely on a screen. Because joy and wonder matters and we have kids coming up to us two or three years later who tell us - all over the country - what precious a memory the show was for them.”
As The Messy Magic Adventure is interactive, and messy, nervous or shy children are encouraged to sit in the back half of the theatre. There are photos and meet and greets at no extra charge available after.
No matter where they sit in the theatre, Tollemache hopes all audience members come away feeling entertained and understanding the message she and Ladderman want them to take on board.
“You can find magic and create adventure anywhere.”
When: 11am, Friday, October 11 and Saturday, October 12.
Other info: Recommended for ages 3 - 8 Duration: 45 minutes (no interval). Tickets: $16-18 Book here.
WIN: The Kāpiti News has one double pass to the show on Friday, October 11 to give away to a lucky reader. To be in to win, simply email with the words Messy Magic in the subject line. Include your name and contact phone number in the email. Competition closes at noon on Wednesday, October 9 and the winner contacted that afternoon.
Ilona Hanne is a Taranaki-based journalist who covers breaking and community news from across the region. She has worked for NZME since 2011.