Three. It is, literally, an odd number ... nothing special seems to happen at three. At 1, we've just begun, at 2 we are terrible, 5 is huge and every five years thereafter, but 3 ... meh.
Our beautiful Bite turns 3 this week and the best we've come up with as a way of celebration is meat and three veg, (perhaps we are still stuck in the terrible twos ...) but that meat and veg is looking very fresh and delicious thanks to Geoff Scott's selection of recipes using new-season asparagus. His lemon buttered asparagus with salmon and eggs is a classic combination and it's also great for brunch or lunch chargrilled with mushrooms on toast. His shaved asparagus salad is a dish that can be changed up to go with any meal, with a sprinkling of nuts, herbs or some sharp, salty feta.

Avocados are also in season and Warren Elwin is serving the most nutritionally complete fruit in the world both cold and hot - something that has taken me a while to... er warm to, but the rich, nutty flavour of avocado really shines when it's hot. If you non-bread eaters haven't tried eggs baked in avocado, you should!
While we wait for more spring produce to hit the stores, frozen peas work well in this simple green pea soup and Laurie Black has incorporated winter veges in to a spring lamb salad.

Things are more celebratory here at, where we are giving lots of stuff away in our #mybite challenge and don't forget to enter in to our latest reader recipe competition, the winning recipe wins a Thermomix, which is being coveted by all around me right now.
Three cheers for Bite - helping put the meat and three veg on the table every day.