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UFOs' filmed near Napier?

NZ Herald reader Martin witnessed 3 bright red lights in the sky (Aug7) just after 7.00 p.m. They seemed to drift along before moving away and "I could see them getting fainter until they disappeared. This lasted for about 2 to 3 minutes". It was a still night and they did not make a sound. Martin took a short clip on his phone which he sent to nzherald.co.nz. They appear white in this clip.

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Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari Kiwi translocation 2024
Stratford Press

Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari Kiwi translocation 2024

Over the next eight weeks, 300 Kiwi are moving out of Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari, located between Te Awamutu and Putāruru, to boost existing populations in three areas across the North Island. Before their departure, the birds undergo health checks. Video / Danielle Zollickhofer