The co-op has been promoting a new way to enjoy dumplings, using mozzarella.
The social media campaign attached to the promotion has been causing "quite a bit of a buzz", Managing Director of Co-operative Affairs at Fonterra, Mike Cronin said.
"So far [there have] been about 1.5 million views and 30,000 comments," he told The Country Sport Breakfast's Brian Kelly.
Young Chinese people had been posting videos of themselves making the cheese topped dumplings, Cronin said.
"It's something our China team has been focused on for a while, coming up with twists on local cuisines and it has gone really well."
The combo is a collaboration between Anchor and a dumplings maker and it was a "pretty simple" process to create the culinary treat, Cronin said.
"You take a bit of mozzarella and you sprinkle it on the dumplings, stick them in the microwave for four minutes and they come out pretty delicious."
The local population was no stranger to mozzarella, as Fonterra had supplied enough of it to Greater China to make around 172 million pizzas in a year, Cronin said.
Meanwhile, the co-op has launched an innovative initiative in South East Asia, where employees can "adopt" a New Zealand dairy farm.
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Kiwi dairy farmers could connect with Fonterra staff offshore via video chat, taking teams on virtual tours around the farm.
The virtual chats are held once a fortnight and give employees across South East Asia the chance to see the inner workings behind the farm gate – from Moving Day to calving and milking.
The Singapore team had even adopted its own calf, Cronin said.
"They've called it Susu, the word for milk in their local Malay language and have been following Susu around.
"It's a really nice way for our people and our farmers to get that strong co-op connection."