In this special series, guest writer Dr Libby Weaver shares her health insights.
Spring is a time for renewal, not just in nature, but also within ourselves. As the days grow warmer and longer, it offers the perfect chance to shed the winter’s inertia and rejuvenate our bodies and minds.
Get physical
The colder months often find us huddled indoors, the shorter days cutting back our usual physical activities. Yet with the arrival of spring and its inviting weather, it becomes much easier to reignite our physical routines. Engaging in outdoor activities like morning walks, cycling to work, or gardening can significantly lift our spirits and energise our bodies. Physical movement not only combats the sedentary tendencies of winter but also revitalises our mood through natural shifts in body energy and dynamics.
Another benefit of the sunnier days of spring is the natural boost in vitamin D levels. Essential for more than just bone health, vitamin D supports immune function, aids metabolism and can improve our mood. Many people across the country experience suboptimal levels of this vitamin, especially in those regions with longer winters, making spring an ideal time to soak up some sunlight. For those in less sunny locales, supplements and dietary adjustments can help maintain or boost vitamin D levels back to optimal. Given its essential role in an endless array of processes inside you, if you’re unsure about your vitamin D levels, consider getting them checked.
Evaluate your energy
The seasonal transition between winter and spring is also a crucial period to re-evaluate where we direct our energy. You might notice that increased demands at work or home have started to reshape your self-perception and overall health. Or perhaps you’ve found yourself routinely agreeing to commitments that overfill your schedule, driven more by a sense of obligation than desire. This can leave you overwhelmed and disconnected from activities that genuinely matter to you.
Remember, we are only busy with what we say yes to. The persistent elevation of stress hormones can profoundly impact our health in a lousy way, but spring provides a fresh start to refocus on personal wellbeing. It’s a time to shift from merely surviving to actively thriving, shedding expired ways and reorienting our lives towards nurturing our own health and happiness, which can have an uplifting ripple effect on others.
Addressing the overload in your life and finding more harmony is not just a quick fix for day-to-day wellness, but a foundational aspect of long-term health. It’s crucial to periodically step back and assess your commitments – determining what’s truly necessary and what truly enriches your life. This reflection isn’t just about cutting out the non-essentials; it’s about understanding what activities provide meaningful engagement and joy, and which ones drain your energy without real return.
Say no
Advertise with NZME.Mastering the art of saying “no” is a liberating skill that can significantly enhance your quality of life. Selectively choosing where to invest your time and focus means you make room for activities and relationships that are genuinely fulfilling. This not only reduces stress but also infuses your life with vitality, which ultimately translates to a more joyous existence. When you prioritise what really matters, every “yes” becomes more impactful.
Let go
On an emotional level, spring is synonymous with growth and new beginnings, making it a powerful time to let go of detrimental habits or outmoded thought patterns. Whether it’s reassessing goals, letting go of past grievances or adopting a broader, more compassionate and open outlook, this season supports emotional renewal. Practices like meditation and journalling can be particularly effective, helping to calm the mind and reinforce a focus on present and future gratitudes and aspirations.
Replenish nutritionally
As we declutter our schedules and our minds, it’s also a fantastic moment to reconsider the physical aspects of health. This includes revisiting and revitalising our nourishment. Nutritionally, spring ushers in an abundance of fresh produce, perfect for supporting the detoxification and elimination pathways of our body and ensuring good energy and vitality through our nourishment. These foods are rich in essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that boost our vigour. Embracing a way of eating rich in colourful plant foods during spring can help replenish nutritional deficits from the winter, supporting more robust physical health.

Finally, cultivating a calming evening routine can be crucial for enhancing sleep quality, if this is something you have struggled with over the winter season. Limiting exposure to bright lights and engaging in relaxing activities such as reading or soaking in a warm bath with Epsom salts can help signal to your body that it’s time to wind down. These practices not only promote restful sleep but also prepare you for the following day with renewed energy and focus. So, as the flowers bloom and the sunbeams grow brighter, let’s take a cue from nature and give ourselves the care and attention we deserve.
Nutritional biochemist, Dr Libby Weaver PhD, is a 13-times bestselling author and international speaker and founder of the naturally sourced supplement range, Bio Blends.
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