It all started with a chocolate bar and a bird on the brink of extinction, but has turned into so much more for the children and staff of Richmond School.
Conservation coordinator Di Morgan kicked it all off by chance when working with groups throughout the school, including running a Samoan class. Here she has focused on how people in Samoa are being guardians of their wildlife including turtles, plastic and changes they are trying to make.
"Then our principal Shane talked to me about a whole school focus on Samoa linked to conservation, which we thought could help bring us all together."
Di did her homework and saw that The Chocolate Factory in Wellington was making chocolate bars and wrapping them in a picture of Samoa's national bird, the manumea.
"This spiked my curiosity and I contacted them. Steve Menzies is part of a Kiwi initiative to help fund projects to help manumea. He was really encouraging and sent a video for us to look at and for the children to comment on what they thought of it."