A former Rotorua doctor and New Zealander of the Year has been slammed by the organisers of a screening of the vaccination-dispute movie Vaxxed - from Cover-up to Catastrophe.
Dr Lance O'Sullivan, who used to have a practice in Rotorua, interrupted the screening in Kaitaia on Monday night, telling the handful of people in the audience that their ''presence here will cause babies to die''.
''I've come here not to watch the film, but to continue my battle and my challenge for my people and, importantly, for our children,'' he said.
''I come here with a lot of anger because I am adamantly opposed to this. This idea of anti-immunisation has killed children around the world and actually will continue to kill children whose parents are put off immunisation because of misinformation - misinformation based on lies.''
''Fraudulent people for their own reasons have decided that they would put forward false information that actually causes harm to children.