An artist's rendering of what the Parkhill film studio in Te Awanga could look like. Photo / Supplied
An artist's rendering of what the Parkhill film studio in Te Awanga could look like. Photo / Supplied
The decision to grant resource consent for a multimillion-dollar film studio at Te Awanga is being taken to the Environment Court by a neighbouring property owner who has been opposed to the development.
Andrew Caseley has appealed the Hastings District Council’s (HDC) decision to green-light Parkhill Studios on farmland knownas Te Awanga Downs.
Caseley, who is the outgoing chief executive of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority and a former chief executive of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, was among a group of residents who opposed the original application for resource consent.
This was on the grounds the project would impact the existing character and amenities of the “quiet and peaceful” small coastal community.
Caseley is one of two appellants to the Environment Court. The other is No.8 Studios - the company behind the bid to bring big-budget Hollywood production companies to Hawke’s Bay.
It’s understood No.8 Studios is seeking to have conditions deleted from the resource consent agreement, which limits the operating hours of the studio.
Attempts to gain comment from both Caseley and No.8 Studios were unsuccessful.
Hastings Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst said her council had a strong interest in bringing a potentially-lucrative business venture to the province, particularly at a time when primary production has been so severely impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle.
“Right from when the initiative was first proposed, Hastings District Council was supportive of bringing the film industry to the region,” Hazlehurst said.
“We saw having film studios in Hawke’s Bay - wherever they may be sited - as creating the potential to diversify our economy with a new industry. It is also a great opportunity for our young people to be part of the film industry.”
The property where the film studio will be built is currently secluded farmland. Photo / Supplied
Derek Slade, of No.8 Studios, has previously indicated to Hawke’s Bay Today that construction of the film studio would cost in the vicinity of $40 million.
Aside from filming and producing content at the studio, No.8 has suggested it would use the surrounding area as locations for shooting scenes.
Slade and the team from No.8 Studios are understood to be on the set of a production in the South Island at the moment, using backdrops there for filming rather than Hawke’s Bay’s.
Among the original conditions for the granting of resource consent were undertakings that No.8 Studios would pay for the construction of a bicycle and pedestrian path along Parkhill Rd and changes to the intersection at East Rd and Parkhill Rd.
At peak times, No.8 Studios estimates 400 staff will be required to operate the studio. Having that many personnel on site will provide a boost to a raft of Hawke’s Bay service industries, it has argued.
Slade previously described the granting of the original resource consent as “step one of a thousand steps”.