The Best Thing About This Chocolate Slice? It Doesn’t Require An Oven To Make It

By Angela Casley
Photo / Babiche Martens

If using dried dates (which are a lot cheaper), soak for 10 minutes in boiling water then drain before blending with the remaining base ingredients. This freezes well and is great for evening nibbles.


Makes 12-16 pieces


1 cup fresh dates

1 cup cashews

½ cup ground almonds


200g cream cheese

¼ cup icing sugar

200g mascarpone

1 Tbsp cocoa

1 Tbsp dried raspberry, crushed

1. Remove any stones from the dates and place into a kitchen processor. Add the cashews and almond, blending until it sticks together. Press the mixture into a 20cm x 20cm tin. Refrigerate while you make the top.

2. Beat the cream cheese and icing sugar until smooth. Stir through the mascarpone and cocoa until smooth. Spoon onto the base. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

3. When ready to serve, cut into pieces. Top with a dust of cocoa and dried raspberry.

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