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Ray Cook
Rotorua Daily Post

Ray Cook

Rotorua developer Ray Cook says the lack of non-residential building projects is the worst he has ever seen. Video / Andrew Warner

Essjay Bennett
Rotorua Daily Post

Essjay Bennett

Essjay Bennett, 11, has won the guest designer spot at the Dress for Success Fashion show: Through the Ages. Video / Andrew Warner

Urbano reopens
Rotorua Daily Post

Urbano reopens

Mark Solon and Jane Solon inside their newly refurbished restaurant, Urbano Bistro, which reopened this week after a car crashed inside nearly six weeks ago.

The woes of wool
Rotorua Daily Post

The woes of wool

Brent Mountford, Federated Farmers Bay of Plenty provincial president, says the state of the wool industry is "the pits". Video / Alex Cairns

'Am I Māori enough?'
Rotorua Daily Post

'Am I Māori enough?'

Jenni-Lee Reardon has been considering getting her moko kauae for some time and has it booked in for May. She tells journalist Catherine Sylvester her story. Video / Alex Cairns