In a recent survey of parents with adult children, more than a million NZ grown-ups with grown-ups were contributing financially to their big kids' households.
It may be something small, like paying for a piano lesson, to something big like a leg up with a house deposit or, heaven forbid, gifting the ever-more-impossible to get the holy grail of grown-ups, a whole house. But there are a LOT of grown-up children that need a helping hand.
On the other hand, it takes only one dumb idea to take off to make you rich, so with that, I give you "A list of dumb ideas your children could have come up with to take the financial burden of a family off of you."
Back in 1994, a man named Chris made a clever purchase. The domain name was up for grabs on the recently growing internet, and for $20 he could grab it and he did.
Holding on to it for 14 years without actually selling a single pizza, the final auction saw him rake in a cool $2.6 million for his efforts. To be honest it's a rather underwhelming website to look at now, no word on whether the purchasers cashed in on their investment.