The speed limit near Te Puke will be lowered.
Western Bay of Plenty District Council approved a proposal to reduce the speed limit along the section of Te Puke Highway at Waitangi following consultation with the community.
Next month the speed limit along the highway from Kenana Road to the eastern side of Kaituna Bridge will be reduced from 70km/h to 60km/h.
The council will also introduce a variable speed limit of 40km/h outside the Waitangi (Te Matai) School during drop-off and pick-up times.
Electronic signs have been ordered and will be installed in June. Until then the existing 70km/h speed limit will remain in force.
Council transport manager Alex Finn said the changes would provide a safer environment for pedestrians and students at the school and local marae, and were strongly supported by the community.
"We received 99 submissions on the proposal - the high majority in favour of both the temporary school speed and lowering the overall speed limit.
"We also had strong support from various organisations. Elected Members took this into account, as well as technical advice from staff balancing safety, traffic volume and efficient travel."
At the time of consultation the council originally proposed a 50km/h speed limit for the stretch of highway. This speed was consistent with national policy at the time.
"Since then new national guidelines have come in to force which do not support new 50km/h speed limits for rural settlements, such as Waitangi."
All new speed limits should align with the New Zealand Transport Agency's recent Speed Management Guide, which allows speed limits to be 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 or 110 km/h. Exceptions (50km/h) are only granted under limited circumstances.
"This is why we've gone with 60km/h."
The new speed restriction, along with the new urban improvements, will increase road safety in Waitangi and the appearance of the road, he says.
"We'd like to thank the community for their valuable contribution to this process."