"If I'd been advising the young man I might have said, 'look, just get on the plane with your mates and sort things out, get legal advice, don't lie to anybody but get out of there for the time being'," he said. "Because otherwise you might find yourself in a holding tank with 150 Kenyans and no access to legal advice."
Professor Hodge had researched Kenyan law and said it was still possible Mr Fellows could be extradited back to that country.
There was provision under Kenyan law for a manslaughter charge similar to New Zealand's and one of careless use (of a vehicle) causing death.
"More significantly, and of greater intensity, there's a perverting the course of justice - I don't know whether there would be a factually based charge but he may be exposed to that as well."
It was unlikely Mr Fellows would be extradited on a careless use charge, but it was possible a Kenyan prosecutor might try to "make a statement" over treating locals and foreigners equally, he said.
What exactly happened in the aftermath of the crash remains unclear, with the college claiming the school's liaison representative, Calvine Ominde, told Mr Fellows to keep quiet about the driver swap until after the teen had returned to New Zealand.
But Mr Ominde has denied this, telling media he did not know there had been a driver swap and did not understand "why I'm being blamed" for a cover-up.
College principal Eoin Crosbie said a small number of people had witnessed the change in driver.
A Facebook post by Kerri Tilby Price, a teacher on the trip who was travelling in the car ahead of the minibus, confirmed there were confusing reports about what happened because of some students having no memory of the accident and some remembering only parts.