Let me ask you a question... When was the last time you felt at ease? Free as a bird? Light and liberated?
For most of us, those feelings are foreign and far-fetched, and the possibility of ever experiencing them is a long way from our radar. And it's been that way for a long time.
Busyness and stress causes a state of disease, a state that's so far removed from being calm, content and healthy, yet it's become normalised. It's become normal to rush from one task to another, from one duty to another. It's become normal to experience regular sickness and disease of varying intensities. It's become normal to be frazzled, frustrated, and fiendishly fatigued. But while I say these have all become 'normal', normal is not what they are. They might be common, but they are not normal. And our biology knows it.
Our busyness has become an addiction - one that we seem proud of. An addiction to success, to seeking more, to pushing the boundaries, and to trying to find where the greener grass lays. Our busyness has become so much of an addiction that our bodies are under constant and chronic stress - but our biological and biochemical make-up wasn't designed for this.
Did you know that 95% of all disease is caused by stress (National Institute of Health 2010)?