Labour list MP Angie Warren-Clark
"Essentially this is a budget for people, a sensible budget. Packages have come out around helping our homelessness problem and the issues families face with unaffordable rents in the city. I'm absolutely delighted about the additional funding allocated to domestic violence. One in three women in New Zealand is affected by family violence. On a personal level, I am pleased the coalition Government has listened to the sector and continue talking to each other, it's an issue that really makes my heart sing. This budget is putting kindness back into how we are doing things."

Labour list MP Jan Tinetti
"For people who find accessing services such as health really difficult, life has become a lot easier for them. The big announcement about the increase in state housing and the building of state housing between now and 2022 will have a big impact on Tauranga. I was really excited with the lower doctors fees for people on community services cards. For 500,000 people, it will be $20-$30 cheaper to go to the doctor and free doctors visits for under 14-year-olds. I have been asking for that forever. That will make the biggest difference to kids health, that was simply just an amazing announcement. When I heard the announcement for education, tears came to my eyes."