Ah local elections. 'Tis the season of promises and persuasion, of hoardings and handshakes. Ten people have signed up for this months-long job interview with a formidable interview panel: Tauranga's voters. Each voter will decide
Local elections 2019: Four questions with Tauranga's mayoral candidates
Both capable and personable, I have a proven commitment to Tauranga over 33 years. Having been rewarded in business through my own efforts, I have now given back to the community. I've started a much needed change at the council during my first term as mayor in response to the many problems that plagued the council previously. Having made the tough decisions I would appreciate your support to continue the change.
What are the top policies you will pursue in your first term as mayor, and how will you make them a reality?
My number one priority is transport and roading with both the council and the Government needing to invest in this immediately. Once the transport is right we can open up new areas for housing, including quality intensification that will alleviate the housing shortage. I'll continue to lobby the Government persistently for our share of infrastructure funding. Keeping and increasing our green space and keeping the city, beaches, parks and harbour clean are also a priority.
What leadership style will you use as mayor?
I lead by example and use evidence and quality information to persuade councillors. We live in a democracy and must respect and include all those chosen to represent our city. I have an approachable and inclusive style.
The position of mayor attracts a lot of criticism. How will you handle that?
I've managed to cope with criticism during my first term as mayor. Most people understand that you're never going to please everyone and that the mayor and council will always be blamed, even if the fault is elsewhere. A good position is to sort out issues where the council is at fault and to show empathy when the council is not at fault.
Kelvin Clout
Age: 56
Suburb: Westridge Estate
Profession: General manager, then company director (food and beverage industries)
Family: Happily married to Kathryn for 32 years, three adult children: Rose, Max and Tommy. Rose and Tim have given us two mokopuna: Millie, 4, Alfie, 2
Why should voters give you their number one ranking, and not one of your competitors?
I have the experience of being deputy mayor for six years. I've seen firsthand the strength and weaknesses of two mayors and I believe I can be a more inspiring, decisive and effective mayor. Local government is a complex beast and I know how it operates so I can hit the ground running.
What are the top policies you will pursue in your first term as mayor, and how will you make them a reality?
I will work to increase the number of wards, with a dedicated councillor for each, to improve direct community engagement and councillor accountability.
I will support the establishment of resident and ratepayer associations throughout Tauranga, to give all communities a voice in council matters.
I will initiate Meet the Mayor forums, whereby residents can engage directly with me.
I will oversee the development of a more flexible city plan which encourages residential intensification, provision of a multi-modal transport network, and sustainable and resilient properties.
What leadership style will you use as mayor?
I will be extremely inclusive and have as many community and elected member hui as needed to thrash out priorities for council investment. I will build a high-performing team of councillors, each with specific roles and responsibilities, accountable to each other and the wider community. I will foster warm collegiality between elected members and council executive and staff.
The position of mayor attracts a lot of criticism. How will you handle that?
As deputy mayor I'm very used to dealing with criticism, some actually quite vile. It's now water off a duck's back to me. I continue to enjoy the love and support of my wonderful wife, family and friends. I will put aside criticism to focus on realising the amazing potential of our beloved city.
Murray Guy
Age: 65
Suburb: Pyes Pa
Profession: Owner/operator Guy Coaches, building and land development company director
Family: Married to Marion Guy. Daughter Nicky, son-in-law Wayne, grandchildren Joshua and Dominic. We also have an extended family in Fiji: Ali (son), Hasina (daughter), boys Javed and Zahed, their wives and two new great-granddaughters.
Why should voters give you their number one ranking, and not one of your competitors?
I am the only candidate with the critical combination of unwavering integrity and commitment to inclusive, transparent democracy. I have proven Tauranga local governance experience. The community will know I say what I believe with no fine print, hidden agendas, fear or favour. My mayoral partnership focus will be with - and for the benefit of - Tauranga residents and ratepayers.
What are the top policies you will pursue in your first term as mayor, and how will you make them a reality?
I will rebuild community trust and respect with zero tolerance for manipulated processes or predetermined mindsets. Transparency and accountability will be the norm along with inclusive and meaningful community consultation. Poor consultation was a concerning thread identified in independent investigations into significant council projects.
I will freeze rates, eliminate excessive procurement costs and demand maximum efficiencies. I will reduce excessive consultant and legal use. We must pause (not stop) and let the community prioritise spending and projects based on affordability, and explore public-private partnerships.
Governance meeting frequencies and operational monitoring will increase. All elected members will be allocated oversight portfolios, staff delegations will be reduced and budget allocations will have no fat.
We will enhance transport corridors and multi-modal options, bring in immediate park and ride infrastructure, plan for future rail and collaborate with neighbours and the NZTA.
Tangata whenua relationships, aspirations and considerations will be revisited and enhanced, openly and respectfully.
What leadership style will you use as mayor?
An inclusive style, empowering of others. Partnering with the community will be the first priority and reflecting that, the mayor's office will be at street level.
The position of mayor attracts a lot of criticism. How will you handle that?
With respect, consideration and measured responses.
Andrew Hollis
Age: 47
Suburb: Bellevue
Profession: Business coaching and geologist
Family: Four children
Why should voters give you their number one ranking, and not one of your competitors?
I am the only candidate to have run a culturally diverse team of 60 senior managers and a total of 1200 employees across six countries and eight locations. I have run projects and built teams across the world. My main leadership style is collaborative but I can move between leadership styles when situations demand. The number one reason? The council is a team and it takes six councillors to get a decision across the line.
What are the top policies you will pursue in your first term as mayor, and how will you make them a reality?
1. Implement zero waste Tauranga
2. A plan to get the roading bottlenecks remedied
3. Free school buses for school kids.
What leadership style will you use as mayor?
I'll use whatever style is needed in the situation. I am happy to be authoritarian during an emergency, for example, or collaborative with committee leaderships. I am capable of being flexible as situations determine.
The position of mayor attracts a lot of criticism. How will you handle that?
I have been criticised for many things and have a very thick skin. If the criticism is valid I will happily alter the process or behaviour to suit. Criticism is a useful tool in growing as a person.
Jos Nagels
Age: 71
Suburb: Brookfield
Profession: Civil solar engineer
Family: Married to Pauline with three daughters: Heidi, Johanna and Antonia
Why should voters give you their number one ranking, and not one of your competitors?
I offer governance that will bring effect to realistic prospects for the next 50 years. This will kickstart changes in the way we do things. It will be the most challenging mayoral term ever, effecting progressive new directions. Repeating what has been done in the past will not get different results. We must proactively transition to better systems that sustainably lead to a lower emission economy.
What are the top policies you will pursue in your first term as mayor, and how will you make them a reality?
I will alleviate congestion using shared transportation modes by introducing passenger rail in Katikati, Ōmokoroa, Tauranga, Mount Maunganui, Pāpāmoa, Te Puke and Paengaroa. This will become the main rural-city network supplemented by short-haul buses as well as cycling and vehicles. In the city: Light rail streetcars from Tauranga central up Cameron Rd, Pyes Pa looped to the Lakes and Tauriko, and looped branch lines to Welcome Bay areas.
Areas accessible to the rail service will densify.
The key to reducing rubbish is encouraging wiser practices and penalising excessive consumerism at the source wherever possible. We must educate producers, users and disposers: All have a responsibility.
What leadership style will you use as mayor?
My leadership focus will be diplomatically putting the greater public interest above that of the select few or well-placed agencies, corporations, vested interests and so on. It must happen with the community in unison with the council.
The position of mayor attracts a lot of criticism. How will you handle that?
Criticism must be dealt with honestly, constructively and directly with openness and the decisiveness to sensibly move forward. Diplomacy will be very important, especially to secure central government support. Common sense decisions must prevail above bureaucracy.
Tenby Powell
Age: 59
Suburb: Mount Maunganui
Profession: Business owner and professional director
Family: I am married with two young adult children
Why should voters give you their number one ranking, and not one of your competitors?
I have considerable senior leadership experience at chief executive and board (director and chairman) level spanning the private sector, government entities, not-for profit, and the military. I am hard-wired to make a difference. It has driven much of what I've done in life, including military service, charitable boards for service organisations, 15 years' advocacy for small business owners, and service on central government boards. I believe Tauranga deserves better leadership and, together with a team of committed councillors, I can deliver that for the future of our city.
What are the top policies you will pursue in your first term as mayor, and how will you make them a reality?
1. Work with the chief executive to change the culture of the council into a responsive, efficient and trusted organisation. This will not happen overnight but it must, and will, happen.
2. Roading and transportation: Our population has outgrown our infrastructure and to fix this we need greater regional co-operation with the regional and Western Bay councils. We must access central government (NZTA and Provincial Growth Fund) funding faster.
3. Intensification of the CBD and sections of the Te Papa peninsula: We must reduce the continuation of urban sprawl.
What leadership style will you use as mayor?
I am a strategically competent, collaborative leader who places emphasis on team before self. Tauranga has a big opportunity this election to select candidates who care deeply for our city and our residents. We must work as a team for Tauranga rather than a council divided by individual bias.
The position of mayor attracts a lot of criticism. How will you handle that?
Openly, transparently and respectfully. I will not resile from hard decisions and will accept responsibility and admit to mistakes when they are made.
Les Wallen
Age: 73
Suburb: Greerton
Profession: Pastor, electrician, businessman
Family: Widower, three children, eight grandchildren, two great-grandchildren
Why should voters give you their number one ranking, and not one of your competitors?
As a pastor, I care about people. I care about you. The position and task is of less importance to me than actually building a city where you and your family can live in safety and prosperity.
What are the top policies you will pursue in your first term as mayor, and how will you make them a reality?
I will unblock the highway at Greerton to get this main road flowing again. I will concentrate on making the council function as it should.
What leadership style will you use as mayor?
It will be a consultative style, striving to sort the issues informally before we go to chamber and the formal process.
The position of mayor attracts a lot of criticism. How will you handle that?
As long as I am honest in my dealings with the public, I have no reason to fear criticism.
*Some submissions have been edited and abridged for clarity and length. Mayoral candidates John Robson, RangiMarie Kingi and Chris Stokes did not respond to these questions.