The woman, who did not want to be identified, said material on the event - which was headlined by singer Jackie Clarke - was sent home with her primary school-aged children.
The Chronicle asked Sarah van't Hof, the director of the Kids For Kids show about the costs, and she replied that "putting on a show of this calibre costs money - venue, travel, accommodation, sound, lighting and personnel".
She said the production team that manages the events "will always try to keep costs as low as possible, but the ticket price is a reflection of what the show costs to put on".
In reply to the questions of how much money from the schools' performance went to World Vision, and how much Jackie Clarke was paid, Ms van't Hof said: "The benefit of Kids for Kids for World Vision is that children and their parents learn more about its work and global issues.
"At the end of the performance parents have the option to sponsor a child if they wish. That is the only financial benefit to World Vision. Jackie Clarke's payment is confidential, so I can't release this information to you."
The mother questioned why the cost of a ticket for a performance that was put together by schoolchildren was so expensive. "It's costly if two parents and two children go to the show. I sent my daughter along with friends because I could not afford to go."
Ms van't Hof said they used local ticketing providers, and charges always applied.
"The charges may differ around the country, and it is up to the ticketing agent as to what they charge."
The Royal Wanganui Opera House, which sold the tickets, said the price was set by the promoter, and that it was usual a booking service/fee did apply if bought over the phone or via the internet.
Each of the 12 schools taking part also paid a fee of $60 to cover the materials for a lyric book and CDs.
Children's T-shirts at $20 were also on sale, and Ms van't Hof said they needed to cover the cost of production, printing and transportation.
"The tees we sell are good quality and hard-wearing - important when selling merchandise for kids.
"Our aim with Kids for Kids is to celebrate the musical achievements of the students involved, to put on a great show for those attending, and to promote and teach people about the wonderful work of World Vision.
"As the event and production team behind the show, we wholeheartedly believe in the work they do."