Local students brought the estuary environment into their school grounds recently.
Paengaroa School is one of four schools involved in an art project initiated by Maketū Ongatoro Wetland Society (MOWS) and funded by Creative Bay of Plenty.
The Ngā Manu o te Wahapu murals bring the Maketū and Waihī estuaries to life.
Ninety plywood birds were cut out by the Te Puke Menz Shed and were painted by classes of Year 5-8 students to depict tūturiwhatu (NZ dotterel), tarāpuka (black-billed gull), tarāpunga (red-billed gull), kuaka (godwit), tōrea, (oyster catcher) and taranui (white-fronted tern).
The students saw these birds while on a MOWS field trip earlier last year.