Making tracks - with Scroggin
Mountains appear in many Biblical quotations but you don’t have to be religious to be awed by a snow-covered peak on a bluebird day. And so it was on a recent Wanganui Tramping Club day trip. The destination was Blyth Hut but it was all about the journey on which the group, in the words of Psalm 121, “looked to the hills whence cometh our help”, or more correctly to the Ruapehu maunga standing out on a cloudless day.
The visitors were only there a few hours but it was long enough to give them a lift and even gift them with a surge of joy. This was a stark reminder of how walking feeds the body, mind and even the spirit. The message, then, is on a fine clear day, visit a mountain. Or go to a high place in Whanganui and look towards the Ruapehu maunga or Taranaki maunga and hopefully you, too, will feel awe.
The club’s weekend programme for September will take members to high places in Tongariro National Park and the Tararua ranges. The programme is:
Saturday 7, Potluck Meal, leader Sandra