The Evening Herald – Saturday, August 22, 1874 - “An Amateur Dramatic Club is being formed in Wanganui, and judging by the number of young men who are willing to join, it is likely to be a success.
“The club will be under the management of a professional and, being entirely local, we hope to see it well supported.”
This was the birth of the Wanganui Amateur Dramatic Club, next to be known as the Wanganui Amateur Musical and Dramatic Association and in 1906 the Wanganui Amateur Musical and Dramatic Society Inc.
Little did they know then, that from these small beginnings, “Amdram Musical Theatre” (as it is often referred to these days) would become the oldest musical theatre in New Zealand, now spanning three centuries and still going strong.
The first production, on September 8, 1874, in the Oddfellows Hall, on Ridgway St, Wanganui (on a site that CB Stroud and Company later occupied), was a melodrama in three acts, Don Caesar de Bazan (with new and splendid scenery and Spanish Costumes), and followed after an interval and a sailor’s hornpipe and Irish jig by the screaming farce A Kiss in the Dark.
The producer was Neville Thornton. He was a professional in the world of musical and dramatic stage productions and also a stage scenic artist.
Thornton’s daughter Amy was cast in the leading female role. The price of tickets were: Front seats, 3 shillings; back seats, 2 shillings; while the Gallery was 1 shilling.
On October 1, 1974 (in its Centennial year), Amdram again produced Don Caesar De Bazan (directed by Jim Pettigrew) and A Kiss in the Dark (directed by Thelma Good).
It was on August 14, 1900, that Amdram lavishly staged The Mikado in the newly opened Wanganui Opera House with all-electric stage lighting.
Keen to make it “a distinct success”, the society spared neither pains nor expense and the costumes and scenery were hired from Auckland.
Amdram staged one or two shows every year in the Opera House even during the first two years of World War I. After the war, Amdram staged its next show, A Country Girl, in 1920 and until the depression and World War II took their toll.
The Pirates of Penzance, 1929.
Amdram again produced one or two shows a year in the Opera House, with three shows being staged in 1925.
In 1944, another great revival was undertaken, and this was largely due to Bill Baxter, an advertising salesman-cum-linotype operator who was on the staff of the Wanganui Chronicle.
The show was Our Miss Gibbs and the leading role was played by Thelma Dandy (nee Good).
At a General Meeting early in 1950, the president of Amdram at the time, Sid Smith, declared the society “must have a hall” as up till then Amdram did not have a permanent home and the scenery and costumes were stored in various places around Wanganui.
Rehearsals were largely held on the top floor of the building opposite the New Post Office on Ridgway St or wherever a suitable space or hall could be found. The productions themselves were staged in the Opera House.
The completion of the Churton’s Creek culverting work in the Guyton St region created a suitable section which was made available to the society, by the council, on lease.
On June 12, 1954, the building of the hall commenced. The architect was DA Wilson, who drew the plans and specifications for the 36ft x 50ft hall and also supervised the work.
Two full-time builders headed the building project – they were Jim Saunders (Amdram member) and Morrie Griffin, his building partner.
Many members also assisted with this major task and many firms and members of the public donated goods and services.
The main hall floor was made the same size as the Opera House stage. The hall was available for use in February 1955 but not completed until later as there was still the finishing to be done.
With the hall available for use it was then a top priority to make money to pay for the mortgage as the profits from shows were needed to fund the next show.
Making money to pay the mortgage became such a high priority that there were times when the hall had to be let out in preference to rehearsals. The rehearsals were being shifted elsewhere.
The first show to be staged in the hall was the sparkling and spectacular review Curtains Up, which was performed from November 8-10, 1955.
The director was Arthur J Vernon, the musical director EO Schnack and the ballet work was trained by Doreen Shaw.
The show was a “roaring success”. By 1960 the hall was mainly used for rehearsals, a few shows and still being hired out.
The Sound of Music, 1968.
In 1972, Amdram obtained the New Zealand amateur production rights to Fiddler on the Roof.
The set for the show included building a large revolving stage. Jim Ennis designed this and was in charge of the building.
Jim Tait designed and built the electrical equipment to drive and control the revolve. The quality of the set, costumes and revolving stage were made to a very high standard to enable the entire lot to be hired out so it could travel all over New Zealand for several years.
It was a highly successful project and by 1975, 12 societies had used the Fiddler set.
The Centennial year of the society came in 1974 and to celebrate 100 years there was a special Centennial Committee set up to plan and organise the various Centennial celebrations and this was headed by Austin Brassell.
The society produced My Fair Lady, directed by David Smiles with musical director Jennifer Corin.
Dennis Brown, who was the president at that time, was cast in the role of Doolittle.
Brown joined the society in 1958 and is a current Life Member and Amdram’s solicitor.
Shirley London, who had taken a major part in productions since 1946, was chosen to play the role of Eliza Doolittle.
The role of Professor Higgins was given to James Baxter (a school teacher with the Wanganui Boys College) who was a newcomer to the society.
My Fair Lady was an outstanding show and well suited for a centenary show. A new century of Amdram had begun, and the challenges and successes continued to unfold along with exciting events and new shows.
The 70s proved to be busy years with there sometimes being two major productions in the Opera House as well as a smaller production in the new hall.
In 1976, Amdram planned a spectacular show which was the first of the highly technical productions. The show chosen was Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat and it was directed by David Smiles. The show featured rapid lighting cues and special lighting effects on the set as well as against a black backcloth.
Lighting and effects at times changed in time with the beat of the music. A large sound system was installed for sound reinforcement to allow the entire sound level of the production to be controlled.
Approximately 40 microphones were used to pick up the orchestra, a large children’s chorus and the various cast members.
But one of the most exciting things was it had a professional lead – Rob Guest. When the show opened, and the audience witnessed it, many of them returned several times. Guest went on to do two more shows with Wanganui Amdram.
He played the role of Arthur Kipps in Half a Sixpence in 1978 and in 1986 he undertook the demanding role of Phineas Taylor Barnum in Barnum, which was another New Zealand premiere.
Barnum was directed and choreographed by Robert Young and financially and technically was Amdram’s most ambitious project to date.
It was a marathon task to design and build the set, make the properties and costumes and tutor the performers to Broadway standards.
After the death in the mid-90s of the long-serving patron Garry Craig, Rob Guest was invited to be Amdram’s new patron.
This was an honour that Guest was delighted to accept and did he remained patron until his sudden death in October 2008.
Over the years following the building of the Amdram Hall, space started to become limited. There were more and more shows being produced in the theatre and space for the properties, sets and costumes was beginning to run out.
In June 1978, Amdram purchased the property adjourning the Amdram Hall on Guyton St. The house on the property became a most valuable workshop facility.
Sets and costumes were being constructed in the house, which was a huge benefit to the society. At the same time, progress was also being made in completing the additions to the theatre.
Under the enthusiastic leadership of Noel Kidson, this included a comfortable upstairs lounge and the establishment of the secretary’s office to be named after Eric Lind who had been secretary to Amdram for 45 years.
The Eric Lind Memorial Office and lounge extension were completed in 1981.
By July 1983, the re-roofing of the main theatre building had been completed. A huge benefit to cast and crew occurred in 1984 when a stairway was installed from backstage to the dock obviating the necessity to go outdoors to get from one to another.
In 1990, the house had been demolished to make way for the Railway Hall, which was transferred to the site and negotiations to freehold the site were under way.
Thanks to the tireless efforts of Ray and Marion Campbell, along with their family and Steven Frederick, the hall renovations were almost complete by 1992.
On February 13, 1994, the new wardrobe was officially opened, and this became a fine new home for wardrobe hireage.
The wardrobe has been a very valuable asset to Amdram and much thanks must go to Janice Hird in the 1980s and Marion & Ray Campbell over the past 20 years along with other loyal helpers such as Pam Kitson and Viv Smith who have developed and run wardrobe, making it such a valuable asset for Amdram.
Over the next few years, much discussion and planning took place as to the joining of the hall to the theatre.
As well as this renovations to the bar and the incorporation of a new entranceway were planned. The 125th anniversary of Amdram was celebrated in 1999.
By 2002, the hall and theatre had been joined together and this incorporated an area between the two where the chairs and trestles could be stored to leave the theatre empty until seating was required for shows.
With the finishing of the bar and the entranceway, there was a much better flow for patrons entering the theatre.
While the kitchen had served the theatre well over the years, Amdram had now outgrown it and needed more space to allow catering to flow smoother.
The extension is due to start in March/April once approval by the council has been given. There are also plans to extend the area behind the theatre to give more space for set and properties along with a mezzanine floor above the extended area to increase wardrobe space.
Amdram gives its special thanks to Powerco Trust, which has been a major supporter of Amdram over the years.
Without the courage, determination, creativity, talent loyalty and commitment of those who had the vision and inspiration to bring Amdram to life and to carry it on over these last 137 years, Whanganui and Amdram members would not have a heritage to be proud of.
Without the support of the people and businesses of Whanganui we would not have had the ability to achieve what has been achieved. We thank you one and all and look forward to the 150th reunion in 2024.
I’m sure there will be more changes by the time that comes around.
Amdram Theatre’s 150th anniversary year is drawing to a close, but they are certainly going out with a flourish.
The committee and several dedicated volunteers are currently working on the anniversary weekend celebrations which will take place from November 29 to December 1.
There will be a meet and greet on Friday night with a chance to peruse 150 years of memorabilia.
Tours through Amdram and the Opera House on Saturday will be followed by afternoon tea and a fashion parade of some of the hundreds of costumes available in the Amdram wardrobe. The day will conclude with a lavish gala and dinner. The weekend will conclude with breakfast on Sunday morning.
■ It promises to be an event to remember and if you’re looking to get involved in some, or all, or the events, then contact Amdram vice-president Terry Lobb at terry@amdram